Monday, 26 September 2016

Tarkovsky Edit

SZYDLOWIEC B&W from Media 12345 on Vimeo.

These are videos taken in the winter, Christmas Time. I edited them in black and white, a colourisation used in many of Tarkovsky's films, to emphasise winter and its dark colours. It also represents the themes of memories and childhood with the natural surroundings and running water. The environment shots of the blocks and graveyard included are in black and white as well to follow the shapes within the park, for example the line of trees along with the line of blocks and grave stones.

Tarkovsky media 2 from Media 12345 on Vimeo.

The footage I have taken are in environments of a garden at home and Szydlowiec in Poland where I spent my childhood. In addition, I have used inspiration from Tarkovsky, editing scenes to create themes of dreams and memories.
After choosing which footage suited the theme, I began by framing. Using an editing software I cropped each shot by either 16:9 or 4:3 and then manipulated the speed in a few shots by slowing the time. Then to each specific shot I either enhanced the colours, used a sepia tone, B&W tone or desaturated the colours (after deciding what shots I wanted to categorise as a memory or the present moment). The present time has colour, however 'desaturated' meaning the colour tones were muted and drowned out. This was to create a realistic perspective and to be able to detect the differences. Memories are represented with either a sepia tone or B&W as a part of childhood, a theme that is constantly referred in Tarkovsky's films (Mirror (1975)).
One part of the footage, from the angle above, looks down upon some children playing outside. One of the boys pull some leafs from a plant and you can here the grandparents shouting in the background. There is another moment when a man is walking down with a dog in his hands carried like a child. These are pieces I wish to carry into my short film, when filming in December. I want to capture unexpected unique moments that relate to the themes and narrative. Its a cinéma-vérité style, by documenting the environment for the audience to collect a perspective of the surrounding culture. Extending time by the camera showing a different way of seeing things but still sticking to a narrative.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Andrei Tarkovsky and Shapes

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Andrei Tarkovsky was a Russian filmaker, catagorised as a theorist and auteur of cinema. The videos contain scenes from Tarkovsky's films, Mirror, Nostalghia, Ivans Childhood, Solaris, Andrei Rublev, Stalker and The Sacrifice. What made Tarkovsky an auteur was his continious signature themes that shaped his films into his own by relations to his personal life, for example his childhood, memories and dreams. The cinematography is a main part within his films as his visuals are the main narrative structure above the screenplay. They contain many long takes to create a realistic percpective, for audiences to experience the scene as either a memory or a dream or reality. There is also a continious slow motion in each scene to appreciate just like a painting. Even the position of framing is shaped like a painting. 
The elements of wind, trees, dogs, rain, water and fire is repeated within his films, often representing his childhood. However, the use of levitation, change in colour, indoor rain and breaking glass is part of another recurring theme in his films that represent a 'dream-like' sequence.
I will be creating similar scenes using the elements and techniques inspired by Tarkovsky. The footage I will be using are from Poland and my garden. I will be editing the footage with colour, time and shape by frame.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


  • Take photographs of shapes in framing
  • Urban shapes, rural shapes
  • Research
  • Ideas

  • Magazine
  • Real Magazine covers
  • Review
  • Font
  • Shape
  • Image
  • Layout
  • Size
  • Placement
  • Quotations from the reviews - tone, language, formal
  • Detailed

Short Film Ideas by Thursday
  • Location
  • Narrative (linear, experimental)
  • Theme/Mood
  • Link to Research

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Wes Anderson


Wes Anderson // Centered from kogonada on Vimeo.


Wes Anderson // From Above from kogonada on Vimeo.


Wes Anderson // Vehicles from Jaume R. Lloret on Vimeo.


Wes Anderson's Colour Palettes‏‏ from Petrick on Vimeo.

Wes Anderson is an auteur by cinematography, soundtrack and screenplay. His signature theme within his work and what makes his work his is by; centred framing, colour pallettes, repetitive framing for example, 'From Above' and 'Vehicles'. And editing that creates a rythem, for example during an explanation, or conversation, scenes are cut into place to make everything simple and quick. Often used in the introduction of his films or to a character.

Chantal Akerman

Anderson's work reminds me of the French director Chantal Akerman. The framing and characters movement positioned in a unique way that doesn't seem natural but more formed in a specific order. Including its dialogue.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Research of Film Review Magazines


The layout of the article consists of an image from a scene in the film Planetarium featuring the main character, Natalie Portman. This gives attention to the audience as Natalie Portman is a well known actress. She is even mentioned in the title, her name beginning then ending with compliments of her acting. The image is the main attraction with short paragraphs following underneath. The review is written in formal however, with simplicity. Its easy to read and understandable for any age group.


Image result for sight and sound

Sight & Sound has a very sophisticated layout with designed writing matching the issues theme, such as 'Crimson Peak' in this issue. The layout is simple with no quotations or side titles to attract but a simple list below on the specific topics the magazine will be touching on. The main image is of the directer, his name below, in black and white with a mention of his new film release in red below to establish who he is. However, this magazine does not take advantage of stars to try and attract audiences such as Empire Film Magazine.


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Empire magazine is definitely more eye catching as neon coloured thunder and headlines flash with the iconic Joker standing in front of the magazine title. This is an example of taking advantage of stars as the blockbuster movie,everyone recognises,takes the main role while other smaller production films are listed behind.