Sunday, 11 September 2016

Wes Anderson


Wes Anderson // Centered from kogonada on Vimeo.


Wes Anderson // From Above from kogonada on Vimeo.


Wes Anderson // Vehicles from Jaume R. Lloret on Vimeo.


Wes Anderson's Colour Palettes‏‏ from Petrick on Vimeo.

Wes Anderson is an auteur by cinematography, soundtrack and screenplay. His signature theme within his work and what makes his work his is by; centred framing, colour pallettes, repetitive framing for example, 'From Above' and 'Vehicles'. And editing that creates a rythem, for example during an explanation, or conversation, scenes are cut into place to make everything simple and quick. Often used in the introduction of his films or to a character.

Chantal Akerman

Anderson's work reminds me of the French director Chantal Akerman. The framing and characters movement positioned in a unique way that doesn't seem natural but more formed in a specific order. Including its dialogue.

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