Friday, 21 April 2017

Poster Designs

For the poster I wanted to use old film posters as a way of representing the themes of childhood and memories. I looked through some old film pictures I hadn't taken in the areas in which I filmed in however, the posters didn't have such a link to the film. 

 I had also picked out some screenshots from the film and experimented with a title but it didn't suggest the same way I perceive the film to be nor have the style of a Tarkovsky film or Polish film poster would have.

During filming I had taken photographs on my own film camera.

 I tried to take pictures that captured Poland and how I see Poland with the stories Marta told. Specifically the environment, her home, the graveyard, religion, including things that haven't changed (the bath placed outside the graveyard, the communist blocks, the interior of her home). Also the colours that come out in film photographs match the films colourisation

 I experimented with a range of typography in the colours white, red and black. What I settled on was the font from Tarkovsky's film Nostalgia, as it has the same name I thought the font looked perfect with the word and would stylistically match with Poland in the background.

 I favoured the interior picture because it is how I personally depict Poland and my grandmother. But there isn't any scenes in the film that include this room so I could not use this picture.

This layout could be used as a DVD cover or even a magazine spread as advertising that they show in such as Empire.

 I settled on the graveyard pictures and experimented with the white, red and black. The reason I did that is because Pawlikovski's Ida had a red title that I thought really enhanced the narrative and what that film meant. It also had similarities to my own film.
 This is a poster design of the graveyard, it has a very painterly structure as well as a subtle darkness from the field of graves and crossed contracting to the white snow and sky. But this structure is something of what a Polish film poster would include, enhancing the themes in the film.  But what I particularly like is the cross stood underneath the letter N with a small classic Polish looking wooden house in the distance. It symbolises the memories from Marta including a Polish culture in a different perspective and what many Polish people can relate to.